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"Yoga and the Five Elements presents a depth of understanding of the subtle elements of the universe that often lie unseen in everyday life. Beyond a yoga practice guide or a philosophical discourse, it presents clear and accessible techniques for anyone yearning to take a journey of reshaping and balancing body, mind, and heart. The reader is guaranteed to reap a harmonious and meaningful connection with nature, oneself, and others. An enriching guide that you’ll come back to time and again."
Liz Owen, author of The Yoga Effect: A Proven Program for Depression and Anxiety
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Nicole Goott is a writer, facilitator, experienced yoga teacher, multi-disciplined healer, and spiritual mentor. Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, Nicole moved to the United States when she was twenty-four years old, following an inner call to discover her dharma. With a calling and passion for teaching, Nicole is motivated to lead others in their journey to remembering the essence of who they are and how to live a life of joy and celebration.
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